Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Just the thought of it gives me jitters

I get everything i ever wanted from my parents, well almost. Bt not to be mistaken, im not spoiled. Somehow, i dont get what i want in life. Maybe its because i just take and doesnt give back to the people who gives me the most, my parents. I need to start appreciate them and maybe then, things will go my way in life. Now that im older, i realise that ive been taking my parents for granted. Ive always put someone else above them, yet i asked too much from them. What will happen when they're gone? Im the eldest, so i'll be responsible for everything. They're not getting younger, they're preparing me for the worst case scenario.

That's my concern for the future now. Not money, job, or anything concerning myself. Just my parents <3

Sunday, October 25, 2009


YOU ARE: Your natural intuition lets you grasp things that others would miss and you have the ability to soar above the mundane to elegantly reach your goals. Drama is never far from your life and you will fight for what you want and believe in.

THE GOOD: You're confident, self-possessed and know what you want. And while you enjoy your friends, you dont often allow yourself to depend on others. Your intensity drives you to get the most out of life as does your fierce competitiveness.

THE BAD: Your outer shell disguises your sensitivity but even if people dont know they've hurt you, you'll still want your revenge - no matter how long it takes you rarely forgive. You can also be stubborn and obsessive, not knowing when to let go and move on, often to your own detriment.

LOVE MATCH: You ooze sexy passion but can be jealous and vindictive! You need to be challenged mentally and physically and will quickly tire of a smooth love life but while you may peruse your options, you expect loyalty. He also needs to be strong yet sensitive, cool but confident and powerful yet perceptive.

TRY: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Put a gay in geisha

I wish im in control. I should learn to let go, bt easily said than done. I should learn to be happy and stop making my life miserable. I should..

"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right. You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself. And sometimes good things fall apart so that better things could fall together"

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Whatcha say?

My latest addiction ;

The NOKIA n97 mini Raoul LIMITED EDITION. Limited to ONLY 1000 PHONES!! The reason i cant sleep at night, GRRR! Beware, i might steal it from you and not afraid to stay behind bars. Keep it in distance from me if you have one.

Life has not been simple lately, troubles keeps coming in. Bt hey, keep your chin up and move on. Life is not always about pleasuring people, there's no satisfying them

Lyrics | Jason DeRulo lyrics - Watcha Say lyrics

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Im all about making people happy, maybe that's my problem. You dig?

Been busy and the broadband is making a fuss. Well maybe it wouldnt if my mum had pay the maxis already -.- Will update later, so much to tell. And finals drawing closer so i'll be MIA for a little while. Take care kids, chalo