Saturday, August 29, 2009

King of Pop

Been aching to post a tribute to our very own MJ, and here it goes;
While watching the 30th Anniversary he has been in show biz, i was thinking how his life went. Not pretty good, i'll say. Jackson's 5 broke up, actually Michael went his ways. He had not have a good relationship with his dad, and now that he died his mum wants his money. He nearly got burnt, which made his nose crooked. And in my point of view, he has a case of mental that he wants to be white and spending all his goddamn money on surgeries. Plus, he wants to stay young forever, that's why he made up Neverland. Not to be forgotten, charges of children assault. Which made some people hate him

But despite all the mishap and catastrophe, he is still a legend and a legend does not become a legend if all he has is a good history right? We still love him and respect him, even the haters who hates him. It's been like what, almost 3 months now that he died? People still talks about him, gives tribute and remember him. So Michael Jackson, i grew up listening to you. My first concert was your concert, i looked up to you. Even my grandmother likes you and love to see you dance. I feel pity for my little brother who is just beginning to love you and looks up to you, wont know you as close as i did. Your music wont fade away, and we will always love you Mikael Jackson. RIP

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